Posts tagged ‘Houston Airport Parking’

Long term airport parking vs short term airport parking

Long term airport parking vs short term airport parkingHave you ever thought about the amount of money you spend on different kinds of parking each year? Be it parking your vehicle outside a restaurant or parking your vehicle in your office parking space, the cost of parking keeps building up and reaches a very high heap. Imagine how much you will be able to save if you could minimize your parking costs every month. You could almost buy a new handset from the money saved! Another major parking cost that you end up paying is parking at the airport. Airport parking for either short durations or long ones can be pretty expensive and there are always ways to avoid these kinds of costs.

In order to save money on airport parking, it is important to know the difference between long term airport parking and short term airport parking. Here’s a detailed distinction and difference between the two:

Long term airport parking:

  • The kind of airport parking which is done in the case when you are traveling out of the city for more than 7 days is known as long term airport parking.
  • Long term airport parking is generally considered much cheaper and cost effective on the parking because the per day cost of this kind of parking is less than the per day cost of short term airport parking.
  • Be it Las Vegas Airport parking or Houston Airport parking, almost all airports offer the option of long term airport parking.
  • In this kind of parking, it is better to book in advance because finding a long term airport parking spot at the last moment can be tricky.

Short term airport parking

  • The kind of airport parking which is done in the case when you need to park your vehicle at an airport parking lot for less than 7 days is known as short term airport parking.
  • Short term airport parking is generally a little more expensive as compared to long term airport parking because its per day cost is more than the per day cost of long term airport parking.
  • All airports, no matter which part of the world they are located in offer short term airport parking option as it is also valid for those who are just visiting the airport to see off someone and need the parking space for just a few minutes or hours.
  • In the case of short term airport parking, parking rates are decided on per hour basis or per day basis in case the duration is more than 24 hours.
  • It is advisable to book short term airport parking in advance if your length of parking is more than 24 hours but not otherwise.

 Economically, if you wish to save costs on airport parking, you can opt for long term airport parking as it is much cheaper. Apart from this option, you can always park on an offsite location which you can avail by logging onto where offsite parking’s for all over US can be found.